This is the problem, failure is not denoted by charity. However like the old crossed connection of a telephone exchange, we carry on, the person helping saying one thing, the person being helped hearing another.
"I love you", becomes, "I'm better than you",
"Would this be of use", becomes "Watch me, I've achieved where you have failed"
"Let me pay for that" becomes "Your so incapable".
So this crazy exchange keeps ringing, becoming louder and louder, stretching further and further, until in some mad crescendo the original message dies and all communication ceases.
This then is where we live. In the silence of hurts and regrets. For only with the connection unplugged can we seemingly re-establish equilibrium.
The irony is, for most it is not the type of help that is being offered, but who is offering it. For in an example of finances, if the government body of the land offered a 10% increase in support to all parents to purchase clothes for children, none would refuse. Yet this same offer from another human being would be rejected out of hand.
One would think therefore, the implication seems to be the more direct and equal the person offering the help, the more likely it is to be rejected. In reverse, of course, the more distant, and more powerfully perceived the help comes from, the more likely it is to be accepted. Yet, Dear Reader this is not true.
I contend, that there exists a being who wishes to help us, a creator so powerful his mere voice is his tool of operation. Yet we reject him out of hand, and have over time unplugged the exchange so we no longer have to hear his voice.
I will not push this point further today, except for one last thought. How we accept help from people around us, often reflects how we accept help from the Creator above.
Therefore, Dear Reader let me ask you one question to close, is your telephone exchange still unplugged?