If Only

"If Only", Dear Reader, are two of the most powerful words in human history. They have, when studied carefully, the power to hurt or heal.
The first "If only" is pride. We look upon actions of our predecessors, with false wisdom, examining their historical actions, and then we judge, as if sages ourselves. "If only they had done, this or that", options which may never have been clear or easy at the time. So in this term we imply that had we been at the juncture we are examining, we in our magnificence, would have achieved better. If only we would realise that this mostly isn't true.
The second "If only", stems from our lack of courage to admit our own character. This example Dear Reader, is shown by those who would choose to change their circumstances, "if only, this item X or Y would change first", and because it does not, instead of change as best we can, we procrastinate and change not at all. Therefore we let our circumstances become the definer of our character, and not just the revealer of it.
The third "If only" is sister to above, and is lack of hope."If only that were true, then i would act differently", yet in this very saying, we have refused to consider that the thing we so deny may well carry the salvation we need. Many a poor soul has denied the help they need for it comes in simplicity and not complexity they erroneously desire.
The forth "If only", is one of regret. "If only I hadn't done this, or taken that action, or failed to do the other", this "If only", is oft experienced at grief or after the death of a loved one. We rack ourselves with guilt, re running scenarios that, had we acted different, we think the situation we are in now would be faring better. All will experience this and the answer to it is humbling, we are finite beings, and circumstances are not ours to always control. While it can be part of our past, we should never let it control our future.
The fifth and final "If only", is wisdom, and is the most important of all, for our previous cousins bring only darkness and hurt, while this prodigy brings forth light and healing. For if it is expressed in care and love from one's wiser than ourselves. Never for control, but for genuine love of the one who needs to partake of the lesson given. It can be seen in the cry of parent to child, "if only you heed my advice and avoid, drugs, or gambling, or visiting that friend" The list is not exhaustive and changes by century as to the things to avoid, but it's message is clear through eternity. "My love for you compels me to hand you wisdom, if only you would accept it."
So Dear Reader, I leave with two questions, the first is this. Have you experienced the four "if only", because you ignored the fifth. Did some one with more wisdom, give advice you failed to heed?
My final question then follows a logic, if a human can give advice, which should have been followed, and that human is flawed and fallible, but in the case you thought of before was correct. How much more should the advice of a creator God be followed?
"If only, you had ears to hear..........."


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