There is Dear Reader, a collection of material that leads to suggest wherever you consider your wealth to be, there your heart and interest will be also. This proposition if true I believe works like the seasons. Just as spring blooms, poke and prod their way through heralding the coming and onset of a glorious summer which in turn yields its way to the sharper winds of autumn and the browning of the selfsame leaves that brought life, such short time ago, finally, to a winter hue and a stark landscape indeed. So our understanding of our investment tends to follow a similar pattern. The young full of hope, and with time, firmly planted on their side sow much, in many differing fields and see this first growth come through. Then with their earlier years behind them the true harvest becomes apparent and time and effort is placed on a more focused basis. To yield the maximum from the time allotted within life. Sadly, even as the harvest is being reaped, without any warning autumn arrives. The selfsame focus, which was so gladly given to these objects. Now starts to have some bitter gall about. This realisation of autumn now increases in ferocity, as the final years of life, put perspective upon what has been achieved and find in most cases, achievement wanting. Thus, our winter has arrived, which shows that all we have planted and nursed throughout our lives made bare.
So far, Dear Reader, my illustration has been somewhat abstract. It does not mean to remain so. For our investment can be in houses and jobs, power and authority, buildings and foundations, organisations and scientific discovery, wine and song, hobbies and happiness, philosophy and art, and lastly religion for religion's sake.
All Dear Reader lead to the winter of discontent, although the investments in these areas may be powerful and addictive. They are not eternal. To make an investment in the eternal means recognizing what is eternal to start with. The earth and all that is in it is finite indeed.
So I ask and challenge, Dear Reader, are you willing to look up from your present situation, to seek, find and discover where to Invest in the eternal?
So far, Dear Reader, my illustration has been somewhat abstract. It does not mean to remain so. For our investment can be in houses and jobs, power and authority, buildings and foundations, organisations and scientific discovery, wine and song, hobbies and happiness, philosophy and art, and lastly religion for religion's sake.
All Dear Reader lead to the winter of discontent, although the investments in these areas may be powerful and addictive. They are not eternal. To make an investment in the eternal means recognizing what is eternal to start with. The earth and all that is in it is finite indeed.
So I ask and challenge, Dear Reader, are you willing to look up from your present situation, to seek, find and discover where to Invest in the eternal?