
There is Dear Reader, a shift in the way of thinking in this present age. That despite our technological advances, and amassed wizardry of science, that we have in many ways become paupers. We can seem at times, emotionally stunted, unwilling or unable to give of ourselves selflessly. Many I admit do acts which used to be considered altruistic.Yet now these acts are tinged with self focus. "Forty hour famines"- become an excuse for a party. "Movember" results in many growing facial hair, but little in true change in character.
Please understand, Dear Reader, these acts in themselves appear innocent enough, but which is greater for the soul, people who will give money to charity willingly, or those who will only if a raffle is involved?
You see the very acts which are meant to enhance the human race have become a barrier, for they feed our sense of compassion, without actually allowing us to comprehend what the word entails. A person completes an act of quasi-compassion and is thus, like some strange injection, inoculated from the real thing.
This inoculations prevents the true growth, which is namely a giving of the heart.
You see a better way to understand or view this area is not in the action itself at all, but in the motivation behind it.
I can offer a cup of water to some poor soul on my doorstep, and so can you. The actions of both are the same to an observer who cannot see past the physical. Yet in truth , while you may be reaching our with kindness born from deep felt need for this sad soul, I may in fact just want them moved on from my doorstep!
One action two motivations.
So Dear Reader, if I, as an outside observer can tell no difference, why raise this issue at all?
This then comes to the crux, if a creator exists, and is all knowing, then this being does know the truth. What foxes mere mortals proves no exclusion for a Deities insight. Here then is the rub. For you see most often we fool ourselves, pretending compassion and altruism where there is in fact none. Yet one day this self deceit will be revealed by the very creator who wishes us to understand, that the heart of the matter is in fact the heart.
You see I have, and will continue to contend, that the creator of this strange and wonderful planet, is not dis interested, like some absent land lord, but is in reality deeply invested in our lives, and willing and wanting to communicate to us. He reveals the greatest barrier to such communion is in our heart. For many still live a life which acknowledges that good is mainly better than evil, at least if the consequences of the actions will be felt by them. Yet few will give totally, of what is inside themselves. For this comes from interaction with the one who sums all, the creator himself.
The creator himself has named what we need to do, he calls it consecration. This word denotes an act to say that something is set apart. In this circumstance, the heart. The creator wants all actions done for his purpose. The answer is obvious then, instead of each individual act itself being offered over, he goes to the source of each motivation, the heart itself.
This then is my question Dear Reader, can you truly say that your heart has been consecrated?


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