
Muscles must be used, Dear Reader, or face the ignominy of withering and slipping away. Indeed, we are by our very creation doomed to see this effect on all our lives, as time's triumphant and unstoppable march, walks through our own personal exsistence. To acknowledge a final end is one thing, to give hasten to it, by failure of use is quite another.
The opposite is also true however, that those who continue in their exercise find strength where once was none and see the onset of physical deterioration delayed.
I propose, Dear Reader, that the spiritual realm is no different, except for it's demographic. For in the physical world, we have many bronzed and firm bodies to gaze upon, and many of strength and vitality in older years. The spiritual landscape is very different however, filled with weak and insipid figures, who if they move, stumble slowly as if guided by memories of younger days when their perception of spiritual things were clearer for them to see. Most however fail even that, and sit encrusted, barnacle like, as the eddies of the spiritual realm swirl about them, depositing the rubbish which in other circumstances they would avoid.
So we have a landscape littered by those who 'chose to ignore', inhabiting a spiritual realm which they deny 'even exists'.
This dear reader is the issue, for sticking ones head in the sand, ostrich style, can no more change a reality, than deny a truck's existence and then stepping on the road in front of it! The Spiritual exists, how do we live and in it? How do we react to it?
So then, Dear Reader, in this landscape which so many cannot see, what are you, barnacle encrusted, or bronzed and blazing?


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