
We are Dear Reader,
far more connected than we realise, our lives, like some giant game of 'jenga', seem to have such affect on things we thought immune, as our human reason perceives it.
This lack of knowledge is further intensified, when sinful nature is added to the equation. For in this situation we deny even obvious connections, or possibly choose to believe the lies sallied forth by the world. Follow my example below:
Divorce is seems, according to worldly sources, does not affect children, they are built to withstand it, therefore go right ahead.- If you have accepted this falsehood, then you walk on shaky ground.
Dear Reader, look to the many broken souls which wander dream like, through life, unable to function in maturity because of broken marriages when they were a child.
Now Dear Reader, please keep with my trail, i acknowledge divorce can and will happen, and many who have gone through it feel all sort of emotion, deep emotions, which may need release on a friendly ear. However to travel a path in strife is one thing, but to travel it in chosen ignorance is another.
Now Dear Reader, to my main thrust, for the previous was merely a introduction to wake the jaded mind. Our connection stems on deeper roots, for what we are, our children will become. They observe and absorb, via an emotional osmosis, all that is around. To those who have no child, worry not, this applies to you, for all your movements are connected to. As you progress in life you touch many, and they way you are affects those around, for good or ill.
A home, can be seen quickly to be one of peace or one of strife, by those outside, but it's occupants are unaware of how deep they have fallen.
Please note, i do not say the occupants are unaware of the peace, for if peace from a higher being rests upon a house, it's occupants know it, for it may arrive initially as some gift, but it remains through surrender. Peace is active in it's existence, it needs worked at. Strife is a passive beast which exists when no care is shown.
So to the big lie which is purported in the world, namely, that "you can do anything as long as it affects me not."
What rubbish!, 100 million Americans cast a vote and changed my world last night, another 100 million chose not to and affected me just the same.
Even in another country we cannot help but affect one another, for we are connected. We are the human race. Where one sins, we all are lessened, but where one repents, we see a light for all to see.
So Dear Reader, though i would urge further action, for this post I'll stay with one thrust.
Do i acknowledge my actions, and the affect of them? Do I realise i am connected.?


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