A wing and a Prayer

Dear reader the very phrase of "a wing and a prayer" immediately conjures to the mind, a venture taken on the basis of faith. I assert, dear reader, as you read this, you do have faith. It may be the faith of a clear clarion call to worship some recognized deity within this world. For those in this position, please join with me, as we will consider in coming weeks the nature of any such deity. It is however, dear reader, to those who would claim no such adherence, to whom the very suggestion of a higher being or intelligent designer causes consternation, irritation or downright anger. It is to you, that today's question will be placed, "what is faith?".
For some, faith must be in the wild and the unseen, the intangible and often in onlookers minds the unknowable. It can dear readers seem, that the more extreme and ridiculous a situation, idea, or deity, a person forces themselves to place their faith in, the happier they are. For those who consider themselves with more rational and discerning minds, this attitude can seem irritating at best, and downright dangerous at worst.

For others, faith is the reasonable expectation of a consistency of action. What worked yesterday for example, is most likely to work today. The car, I started and drove myself to work with, will do so today in the same manner. If, as sometimes happens, it fails to do so, the explanation to this can be understood simply by deducing which physical law the engine now does not adhere to, because of mechanical failure. Our faith in the physical laws of this world is consistent with timeless, repeatable, observable, applications of said same law.

Yet, dear reader, as the present financial crisis demonstrates, history is no guarantee in all circumstances of future security. Our faith for example in the banking system, in the very money itself, can be swiftly destroyed. I propose dear reader that there are many things we place our trust in, is actually an act of faith, and while most of these actions seem more rational than others, if you would dare examine your life, you would find that you are placing faith in somethings, which other onlookers would see as irrational, or possibly downright dangerous. In effect, dear reader, with honest examination..... in some part of our life, we are often the person we were originally most concerned about.

So simply today, I close by asking dear reader, "what are you placing your faith in?"


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