
Marriage dear reader, is oft talked about, much maligned, ridiculed and misnamed. For what in many's eyes is seen as merely an institution at best, and entrapment at worst, is I propose instead a blessing and a gift, which can bring enrichment, release and freedom. It may seem strange to include the word freedom with marriage, but that I suspect that is because, dear reader, we have forgotten an essential truth, true freedom only exists, when recognized boundaries have been kept. It is worth noting at this juncture that false freedoms present themselves. In many and varied forms they do disguise themselves. Monogamy is presented as restricting, preventing one from skipping from one partner to the next without such guilt as tends to accompany such activities. Yet nothing is ever mentioned of the loss that extramarital activity brings with it. I need dear reader, to clarify at this point, my meaning of extramarital, for some assume I mean an affair. While this definition is included. It does not extend to encompass the full meaning. For many, who are not married you see, have sexual relations with no intention of marriage, therefore, it is extramarital. However, dear reader, I have digressed from my main proposition, namely that monogamy with inside marriage brings with it a richness and depth, which cannot be found outside. And while many quite correctly would argue that they within marriage, have failed to find it. None outside marriage can argue that they have at all. So something with potential, though imperfectly realised, is always superior to that which never can fulfil. And a mockery, although greatly presented, is a mockery still.

I accept dear reader, my view is the minority within this world. However, popularity has never been my bellwether for deciding right or wrong. It is however proposition understood with experience, that proves this truth to be so. Now, dear reader, I close for now on this subject, with acknowledgement and challenge. For if my experience only is the sole basis for my argument, then I have no argument at all. If you agree with this last statement, then may I politely suggest, the same must be true for you, and so in arbitration we must seek the mind of one who is higher than us all!


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