
Surely Dear Reader, how one handles defeat, must be as equally important, if not more than how how one handles success, for, in the main, we will experience the sensation with greater frequency. Some, more mature individuals look at each lack of victory as a way of growing and stretching themselves to newer heights, propelling themselves towards their preconceived goal which will, in their mind be achieved. Others are so crushed in spirit, that one more loss in life just adds to the junk heap already poured so deep upon them, that like some mythical turtle which carries the world upon it's back, they strain with all to move just a few steps, before collapse.
The question then Dear Reader, needs to be reframed. For we now live in a world where success, or namely lack of it, has sapped our self esteem. Consider, if i take an action, with honesty and integrity, but fail in it's endeavour, am i any less a human for trying yet failing to achieve? The world may call me so, and loudly proclaim, and truth be told, failure may well restict my furthur options from going where they would expect me to walk.
This then is the answer, expectations and viewpoints, the key to our release. For if I, Dear Reader, am bound by others perceptions of myself, then as they change and pressure and fail to love as i would want, i find my path digressing to fall more instep with theirs. To seek some solace in a world which offers sometimes little. Yet in this quagmire i have turned to false friend, for none of human design can offer what i seek.
For my path will be more released when i know it's steps are marked by one of wiser wit than humanity can aspire, whose hand can guide with gentleness and care. One who does see me as i am in truth, and will reveal in love, not how the world perceives, but He from high above. For creators expectation and viewpoint are so radically different to my own, that what the world can tell of success and yes, defeat, are rarely found in His truth.
So, Dear Reader, i will look to higher peaks for knowledge of what true defeat could be, if it even exist's at all. Yet i will leave you with one conundrum, defeat comes, only when you fail to look at all.


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