
Proverbs often seems to describe a desired outcome rather than a present reality.

Proverbs 15:25 reads

"The Lord tears down the house of the proud,
    but he protects the property of widows."

Yet we often see a world where the widow is abused or taken advantage of!

Yet, at other places, Proverbs describes outcomes which will take place if God's advice is taken

Proverbs 15:5

"Only a fool despises a parent’s[f] discipline;
    whoever learns from correction is wise."

Thus, if you listen to wisdom from your parents you will be better off. This of course assumes they did the same with theirs.

Thus the crux of the matter comes into play. How well did you represent God in all these actions?

Three options exists.

We can ignore all this advice- "Foolishness" the bible calls it.

We can follow advice because it makes us better off, with no consideration of God, but understanding our lives will succeed. I call this "wisdom under the sun."

We can follow the advice given, for the love of the one giving the advice, God, and for His motives and outcomes. We act for the Kingdom, not our own benefit. The right action for the right reason, "wisdom above the sun."

So when do widows stop being abused? When the community of God steps up and represents who God is within the community they live.

In days past this may have been allowing the fields you owned not to be harvested to the very edge. Allowing the poor opportunity to fend for themselves with dignity.

Today it may be choosing not to invest in unethical companies, practices, or products. It may be deciding your wealth and growth of that wealth is less important, than the misery of those on whom that wealth is built.

This then leads to the blessing of living in God's community, we see that it is easier to live out these desires while with like minded people. We see why we should "live with" other believers in a community of faith. 

So really the first choice of "wisdom above the sun" is, are we doing this in a community of faith?


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