
An open rebuke
    is better than hidden love!- Proverbs 27:5

Love is very misunderstood. It has become popular to equate love with permission. The argument goes "If you love me, you will support me in all my choices" it is then taken further, "If you fail to support me, then you don't love me and actually show hate."

The world fails to understand that God is love, and God is a God of limits.
Love has boundaries.

In this word of God, we may see the obvious, "being told we are doing something wrong, is better than keeping quiet and thinking we are loving someone", yet we may miss the subtle, " Rebuking in public is loving, keeping quiet and letting disaster come is unloving"

Now Dear Reader, this does not mean we have licence to say what ever we want, to whomever we want, whenever we want, claiming to be following God's "proverb of love."

Discernment is needed, which is why a proverb never works in isolation, and we need to seek the books collective wisdom to find the character of God.

So how, whom and when, are needed but understanding why should be clear. If we let people die in ignorance due to our silence, then our "hidden love" is love no more.

Come get to know the God of Boundaries, and find the true definition of Love.


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