
We can be many things, dear reader, but, for growth to occur, one thing we ought to be is honest. Honest to ourselves, to recognise the truth of the situation we presently reside, be it in splendour, squalor, or a mixture of the pair. For if truth be told, most on this mortal coil reside not in such desperate hell that they cannot abide, yet far from the heaven they so believe they deserve! No we reside in that strange place, that no mans land, which upon reaching, we tolerate. Neither fully enjoying, nor despising both, but vacillating between said extremes on issues which differ wildly from each other.
It matters much what culture and circumstance from which we come, but those who find themselves in such affluence as to be lifted from the cares of the normal world must first check, their honesty. I am not suggesting dear reader, that such gain was the result of dis honest work, far from it, merely that such gain removes perspective on such areas as truth needs to be applied. For example, dear reader, who does my bell toll for in this ringing of warning of truth lost to mammon, ........ if you are reading this with aid of such machine as a computer, you raise yourself above so much of this present world to whom shoes are still a novelty, the bell then tolls, and tolls well for thee.
Reflect then now, are you honest enough to see?
And if you can, will you now move beyond, to view a world, a life, yours dear reader, which needs more reflection that it has already been given. To stop and pause and slip off the restrains that affluence brings to consider in truth and honesty...... Why am i here?


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