
It appears , Dear Reader, that one legal definition of covenant is: "covenant no consideration is necessary to give it validity". To which this means Dear Reader that one or more of the people entering into the covenant can have no benefit in doing so, often in these cases, they are worse off for said choice!
A contract one would assume is the opposite, where the parties involved, do have some benefit from joining in this legal document.
So then, why does a covenant even exist! What earthly reason is there Dear Reader to make such a joining?
This question is answered i believe not on earth, but far from it, in higher and more heavenly realms. For i argue Dear Reader, that all covenants we see are mere copies or in some instances sadly, mockeries, of a spiritual covenant which was pre-existent, and then all others flowed from it.
For in our world, divine remnants have left and keep leaving guidance to suggest that our creator although one, is also three, oft called, and oft misunderstood, known as The Trinity.
And in this threefold covenant we find, if we were to take a deeper look, a mysterious truth, which can be plain for all to see, that God alone understood the sacrificial nature of wanting to exist for the good of another.
Please Dear Reader pause anew and re read the last sentence given you.

For a deeper truth you will not find, and all others will follow based on this, that love as it does exist is not a warmth or feeling deep inside, which although pleasant, can lead down false paths, but love is simple best demonstrated with inside covenant.


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