
Using a dull ax requires great strength,
    so sharpen the blade.
That’s the value of wisdom;
    it helps you succeed.- Ecc 10:10

As the wisdom of "the teacher", Solomon shows, he understood rest.

Solomon knew that to get the best from any tool, one needed to take care of it's function. In this example, the axe blade needs to be kept sharp. Time spent sharpening the axe, allows more efficient work later on.

We need Dear Reader to understand humanity is exactly the same. We need to give not only time doing the work set before us, but also time to sharpening our blade, by resting from that work, and re charging.

We need to refresh.

How varies, for some, a good book, others exercise, some a coffee and chat. What ever your method, we need permission to do this, and God gives it, it's called Sabbath.

The living God took a nation held in slavery, who were forced to work all day ever day, and his first gift to them was, "A Sabbath Rest." Think about it, how much more could he say to his people, "you are human", and "humanity is precious."

Yet in todays western world, do we not just slave ourselves again?

Are we not caught in a trap of over work, over stress, and an attempt to over achieve?

Yet God says, in all this, come, be at peace, rest, in me, my promises, and my future.

Are we able Dear Reader to rest and refresh in the Saviour God?


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