
Like the finest apple tree in the orchard
    is my lover among other young men.
I sit in his delightful shade
    and taste his delicious fruit.- Song of Songs 2:3

The word of God celebrates the love that a man and woman can have for one another. Set in the heart at the start of creation, God calls us to "fruitful and multiply", less stated, but implicit in Adam's response to his newly created equal Eve, is "enjoy one another as you multiply."

We should delight in our husbands and wives, celebrating our differences, marvelling at how both aspects of God, male and female, can become one through marriage.

Sadly Dear Reader, many let this teaching, this expectation, this promise become a memory. They truly let the fall of humanity effect the way they express their marriage. Far from finding delight in one another, many criticise, control, or abuse.

Yet God is one of second chances, and while the sun shines opportunity exists. Jesus the carpenter demonstrates what true delight can bring. In Jesus loving service to the Father, and Jesus sacrificial love for his bride the church, He shows how we should treat our given helpmeets.

Today, this minute, this moment, make a promise, to turn from all other pursuits and to make this your goal, serve the God your creator, seek his kingdom,and inside of this umbrella, serve your spouse and be willing to lovingly sacrifice yourself for them.

Then you will find, as you change your attitude, that delight can return.

Yet in this encouragement, may I offer a warning. A marriage is made of two, and if one partner is failing in their duties, hope does exists; yet while this failing is being expressed God understands how the other spouse must protect themselves. Let me be clear, God does not expect people to maintain living in the same house as an abusive spouse.If you are being abused, then leave with God's permission. Create a safe space in which to offer the hope of reconciliation to your abusive spouse. As God offers to you, "change your ways and we can have relationship, maintain your ways and we cannot." Do this for yourself, and if applicable for your children.



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