There is Dear Reader, much confusion as to the filling of the Christian by the presence of the Holy Spirit. It should not seem overly complicated. As with any relationships, one can be introduced to a person, and meet them in their entirety, yet not really know them at all.
A young couple meet, fall in love and get married. At their first meeting, the future groom had met his whole wife, she hadn't left a part of her somewhere else, she was there before his eyes, and in his presence.
Yet at this very moment of meeting her wholly, we also know, he "knows" her not at all. While physically present, her character, her emotions, feeling, thoughts, life and thousands of other things which complete who she is, are hidden to him.
With time, patience, and God's love, who she is will become apparent to Him. This of course is a mutual experience. Yet in this unity, where two become one, we know that each will build and shape the other, so that who they were when they met, will not be who they are as they progress.
Yet what happens is they marry, but never talk, never spend time together, never find unity in facing the ups and downs of life. What if, after the ceremony, they separate and live individual lives. They are married legally, they have been changed in status, from single to married, yet they have none of the blessing which comes with this relationship.
A poor substitute this would be in most wise people's eyes. Yet Dear Reader, often the followers of the Carpenter act in such a bizarre manner. We meet the Holy Spirit, He comes with the blessing of Salvation, and we are sealed unto Him, yet from here we choose to ignore Him. We continue to live an individual life, we walk alone, failing to allow His presence to guide our growth.
We talk as if the deal is done, "oh yes", we affirm, "I have the Holy Spirit", but does He have you Dear Reader?
The Bible records that Jesus the Carpenter breathed on his disciples, and told them to receive the Holy Spirit. The life of the follower of the Christ is one of receiving. Yet in this receiving, we only truly understand the meaning if we demonstrate this is a lifelong action. If not, we are merely holding a promise, with no intention of allowing it's potential to be filled in our life.
Dear Reader, if you have wisdom above the sun, look to the Person, The Spirit, The God, who resides in your life and waits, with patience, love and hope for you to allow Him to fill you. Fill your life to its true worth in the Kingdom of God, so that you will be able to understand not 'Do I have all the Holy Spirit", but "Does He have all of you!"
A young couple meet, fall in love and get married. At their first meeting, the future groom had met his whole wife, she hadn't left a part of her somewhere else, she was there before his eyes, and in his presence.
Yet at this very moment of meeting her wholly, we also know, he "knows" her not at all. While physically present, her character, her emotions, feeling, thoughts, life and thousands of other things which complete who she is, are hidden to him.
With time, patience, and God's love, who she is will become apparent to Him. This of course is a mutual experience. Yet in this unity, where two become one, we know that each will build and shape the other, so that who they were when they met, will not be who they are as they progress.
Yet what happens is they marry, but never talk, never spend time together, never find unity in facing the ups and downs of life. What if, after the ceremony, they separate and live individual lives. They are married legally, they have been changed in status, from single to married, yet they have none of the blessing which comes with this relationship.
A poor substitute this would be in most wise people's eyes. Yet Dear Reader, often the followers of the Carpenter act in such a bizarre manner. We meet the Holy Spirit, He comes with the blessing of Salvation, and we are sealed unto Him, yet from here we choose to ignore Him. We continue to live an individual life, we walk alone, failing to allow His presence to guide our growth.
We talk as if the deal is done, "oh yes", we affirm, "I have the Holy Spirit", but does He have you Dear Reader?
The Bible records that Jesus the Carpenter breathed on his disciples, and told them to receive the Holy Spirit. The life of the follower of the Christ is one of receiving. Yet in this receiving, we only truly understand the meaning if we demonstrate this is a lifelong action. If not, we are merely holding a promise, with no intention of allowing it's potential to be filled in our life.
Dear Reader, if you have wisdom above the sun, look to the Person, The Spirit, The God, who resides in your life and waits, with patience, love and hope for you to allow Him to fill you. Fill your life to its true worth in the Kingdom of God, so that you will be able to understand not 'Do I have all the Holy Spirit", but "Does He have all of you!"