
There is dear reader a wonderful illustration about a man who has a cat sat on his lap and his wife sat 20 feet away from him. The man is nearer to his wife than the cat, because the cat is so unlike the man. They have so little in common.
In truth, the cat is only closer in proximity, but in no other quality.
The same can be true for many who claim to follow a divine being. While they are close in proximity to people within the world, they are nearer to God. They have taken stock of the situation and assessed the reality, concluding that relationship with a divine being is worth more and of higher value than all other relationships within the world combined. The difficulty comes, not for them, but when in effect, the cat realises it is just a cat. Nobody held by the world appreciates been told that they are less important than some intangible unseen deity.
So my question, dear reader is simple today, to whom are you near to, and to whom are you just in proximity?


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