
They say that we are a sum of our parts, but more apt would be to say we are a sum of our memories and experiences, for they are the placeholder in our life through which, for good or ill, we view the options in the present to make decisions for our future.Therefore Dear Reader, there can be fewer diseases worse than losing one's memories, for it loses the quintessential self. We start to act in many ways on automatic, like some strange robot off a science fiction novel. The spark of life however seems more dimmed, and as time progresses, is seen less and less, until only a shell remains, where once a person had been. The body in sad regalia continues, but it's owner has long since rendered control to sickness. The effect of this slow death, this long goodbye, is devastating on friend and family alike and once watched would never be wished upon another soul. For the lack of memories, and it's accompany means it effect a lack of choice, the free will has simply..... gone.
Consider then some other teaching in the light of my preceding passage, I refer of course to sin.
For many would wish that all sin could be forgotten, removed from ones minds and the effects of such sin simply vanish like some magicians trick. Yet i think Dear Reader, that a higher being has more wisdom than us in this area, for He allows sin, not to go, but for it to be dealt with in three stages as will be outlined in due time below. You see we can upon certain choices, be re-created, produced a new creation, not in the sense that all that has gone before has no hold over us, far from it, and this dear reader is the key. For if sin itself was removed in complete, we would i argue, cease to be the person we were saved from, and like those whose lose their memory, lose our choice in who we are. In truth then, sin must be dealt with in far harsher manner, in (1)penalty, (2)power and (3)presence.
Penalty is the main release, for although sin is forgiven, it cannot be forgotten, and it's counterbalance, the penalty for such sins as we have committed, must be paid in full, or else justice as we know it, ceases to have the value it needs for it to exist at all. Thus upon certain choices, our penalty of sin is instantly removed..... from us. Not removed I hasten to add from equation in this worlds economy, yet from us for sure, and passed to another who bears our sin's consequence in our place.
Now comes the contest, for we would hope that upon understanding of our sins being paid for, that they would be forgotten, but our creator is not this sort of being, He does however claim to "choose not to remember", what seems simply semantics is in fact the difference between precious freedom and bondage in eternity. Forgotten would imply the loss of who we are and , once again the quintessential self would not have been saved, for we are a sum of our memories, and experiences and ... if truth be acknowledged our sins. So we do not need or want them to be forgotten. However, a choice "not to remember", is very different, for it removes none of who we are, but instead cleans us with one promise, that we are forever viewed not as soiled and damaged, but clean and new, the way we would want ourselves to be. This semantic, of "not to remember" allows therefore the second act of sin to be dealt with, it's power.
The power of sin upon our lives still remains, as now a choice, but not a master. For this Dear Reader is the main thing: until this new birth, sin was our master and all our supposed free will was nothing more than smoke screen, it's hold on us complete. Now only with penalty paid for, does it's power become broken to the point, of ALLOWING US FREE WILL. We now have choice of whether to sin or no. So here we rest, for now, for you to ponder Dear Reader, if with me you agree. That our creator in His wisdom, has seen that only freedom with memory is true freedom at all. While devising a construct for us to exist in, that He chooses "not to remember",and so now now can we. How you may ask?, simply by choosing NOT TO SIN, a simply statement, but one so hard to apply. Yet, in future discussion we will see this is the truth of our creator and all He desires.

At last, for those who are counting, the third act of sin, it's presence, well Dear Reader, for this we must wait, in future realms for this to take place, but well worth the wait will it be. Imagine and Dream now Dear Reader, a world minus malice and sickness, hate and envy, and all that we recognise as ugly. Three lines gives not justice, so i will return to this and flesh it more at later date, but consider if you will, if this end is your desire, and one hopes it would be. Have you accepted the 'certain choice' i mentioned in my reflection, for if not, you remain before act one,and never will taste act three.


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