One definition of prostitution is "One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose."
I wonder Dear Reader what causes people to prostitute themselves?
For many there is little option, they would desire something different but circumstances do not allow it. For them, our prayers and efforts to remove them from those circumstances should be employed.
Yet my question is to those who do have a choice, and yet willingly go down a path unworthy of them.
People can prostitute themselves in many ways, from the obvious usage of the word to that of Spiritual Prostitution. All however are seeking some gain by the action.
Yet is it worth it?, Prostitution for monetary gain is sad enough, but the prostitution of one's values is the ultimate problem.
For to lose one's values is to lose one's self.
Thus it may be argued, that despite verbal assent to one code of conduct, actual action in another manner reveals the truth of belief, and thus character of the person.
God is clear on this matter, when He accuses Israel of "Spiritual Prostitution", running after other Gods.
Yet often as so called believers in Christ we find that our actions reveal our true nature. While we claim verbal allegiance to the Christ, our actions demonstrate that we have started to commit "Spiritual Prostitution".
It is at this point then that we need to realise, what is it we truly are, for actions reveal the truth.
Are you Dear Reader guilty of prostitution?