There is Dear Reader, an unhealthy emphasis on success within our society today. This is not surprising given that we place our children in a school system which is designed to grade them against themselves and the other students. From a young age winners are praised and given honour, the others encouraged as best they can. As adults this success is marked by money and popularity, and promoted in the media as "the lifestyle" to achieve. Yet the gospel stands against this, Jesus spoke against the worship of money, and the honouring of people whose actions seemed right, but hearts were not. It can be hard on young believers who feel society continues to test them and give them marks, often out of 10 or 100. Yet Jesus offers different marks, based on a differing standard.
At this point, many readers may expect the bible to say that the bar is set lower.It isn't. It is set so high none have passed. Jesus demands top marks, perfection in fact. Perfection from sin. A cursory yet honest look at our life will attest to the fact we have failed to this standard. So then how is this conundrum resolved?
Marks!, yet of a different type. Jesus has marks on his hands and feet, gained while dying on a cross, where the sins we have failed with, were taken from us and given to him. So now these "marks" are "passed" to us. Now we can make the grade based on his life not ours.
The "Test", are we willing to admit our humble need, to accept and respond?
I wonder Dear Reader, which marks govern your life?