
We read in the scriptures that the people of God were taught to bring a peace offering to the place of sacrifice, 

Lev 7:16

“If you bring an offering to fulfill a vow or as a voluntary offering, the meat must be eaten on the same day the sacrifice is offered, but whatever is left over may be eaten on the second day. 17 Any meat left over until the third day must be completely burned up. 

Interestingly this phrase today means the opposite of what it did to the people of the days of Leviticus. 

A peace offering was to say "thank you" or to express a contentment in the heart. To physically demonstrate a spiritual truth of peace between a person and God. It was not the method by which peace was established. That was the role of a sin offering.
Also, it is worth noting, that a peace offering was to be eaten, only a portion was to be sacrificed, yet if the animal was not eaten quick enough, God had words to say about it.

Lev 7:18
"If any of the meat from the peace offering is eaten on the third day, the person who presented it will not be accepted by the Lord. You will receive no credit for offering it. By then the meat will be contaminated; if you eat it, you will be punished for your sin."

It makes you question.What was the logic behind this decision? Was it merely a heath warning to not eat old meat? I believe there is more to it.

God intrinsically blesses, and his followers should do as well. If a person comes to God with peace in their heart and sacrifices to that effect, the animal used should be shared with others. This good news should not be kept to oneself, but "passed on" to others around. Those who have food from this offering left after the third day has not taken the time to bless others with their peace. We don't sacrifice animals anymore, the Carpenters ultimate sacrifice fulfilled the role of this method of communication. Yet we can share a blessing between ourselves and God with our neighbour. Try it, take something that has been given to you, and use it to bless others. Show the peace of God in action.


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