
There is Dear Reader, an understanding that to believe in a divine being takes faith. Often this faith is expressed as a leap, a jump, from a place of known security, to that of the unknown. This can be caused by many and varied reasons, but ultimately those who have jumped have come to two conclusions. First, that the place they were standing offered a false sense of security, and ultimately offered none. Secondly, that they have confidence that they are leaping into the secure arms of a diving being. Yet as we move from this first to second position, we experience a life filled with unknown. I trust that I will be caught, but as I jump, I have no idea as to what I will encounter on this route. That's the faith coming into play of course. To use a human analogy, as I leap from a burning plane which I know is going to crash, I rely and trust in my parachute, yet as I initially fall, and even when it opens, I do not know what winds, clouds, or other things will buffet my descent.
Will these unforeseen and unknowable things stop me jumping, not if I have wisdom. For safety lies in jumping despite the rough ride ahead.
The Gospels promise life in Christ, and security in His promises, they don't however suggest an easy or trouble free life.
Many who watch the lives of those who have jumped laugh at their inability to negotiate a smooth passage, yet all the while standing on a burning plane! Yet I ask Dear Reader, can you smell the smoke of your burning plane, and do you have the courage, the faith to Jump?


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