
The bible records many messages from God, via His prophets, to His people. Many of these messages are about future events, which will directly or indirectly affect God's chosen people. They call for a large dose of trust on the part of the people of God. Many imply, like Jeremiah, that the present will quickly get worse, but will eventually be restored. This restoration however will be beyond the lifetime of Jeremiah's listeners. How then did they react to this message? Badly. Few wish to hear of doom and destruction, less wish to go through it, and even less will thank you for telling them. Yet here lies the challenge, do we trust God? The same warnings carried by Jeremiah are pertinent today, put not your trust in things of this world, but instead turn to the spiritual, to God and seek His face. Yet how many of us are dong this, in the west we spend many hours earning money, or storing it for when we can't, how much trust are we placing in our own endeavours, and how much trust are we putting in God.
In who is your trust?


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