
Those who have a shared affinity should desire to be together. To gather in some format or another.
In pubs, for those who wish to share a drink, in sporting events for those who wish to support their favoured team, and in Christian communities for those who follow Christ.

We know these Christian communities as "church", but the image of a small steepled property can be very misleading. The building itself is not important, those who gather are. It may be at a regular meeting in someone's house. Before a work engagement, prayer may be had. Bible study one evening.
Regardless of its format, a few things need to take place.

Worship of the carpenter.- We meet to worship our God, all else falls under this, but worship must be seen as the whole gamut of the body meeting.

Accountability- One needs in the pressures of this world to be willing to be held accountable by other like-minded believers.

Mutual support- All will face trials, and in these times having the support and encouragement of others will help through the tough times.

Commitment.- To someone and something, other than just our own agenda. This means we are forced to see bigger than just what we want and are reminded that we exist as part of a bigger gathered body.

Its elements could include but are not limited to

Singing,  as one specific form of worship
Speaking of God's word
Eating together
Sharing of blessing
Acts of social justice
Financial support for those in need.
The celebration of Jesus actions within the life of the community specifically and the world at large.

and many others that people over the centuries have come up with to build each other and pay homage to the Jewish Carpenter.



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