
Trust, Dear Reader, is a key component of followership.

We all are told we ought to be leaders, but few want to be followers. Demonstration of followership only takes place when two people disagree. It is at this point that person A chooses to trust the decision of person B and to follow their lead.

Trust, placing your future in the hands of something or someone outside your direct control. It's an easier concept to discuss than to put into practice.

When it comes to the carpenter, we his followers need to learn to trust Him. This is where study and understanding of God's word helps. First, we see that Jesus demonstrated trust in his Fathers leading.
This should be an encouragement for us, that when Jesus hometown rejected Him, He trusted the Father. When His supposed disciples deserted Him, He trusted the Father. Second, we come to realise that all that Jesus asks of us, is something that has been asked, and completed by Him. We can see that situations we are in are encountered in some form by Jesus.

So, what are our reactions to being placed in a situation where trust is involved?

Do we seek to "run around" God's plans for our life? To "help out" with better suggestions?

We risk the opportunity of seeing God's perfect timing being displayed in our life, and this can have dramatic effects.

If fear causes us to run towards acceptance of the mundane over the spectacular we will never see the true glory of God, we will never see our faith stretched, we will never see the truth of God revealed.

So I encourage you, Dear Reader, exercise the gift of God to trust Him and witness the spectacular in our life.


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