
In this world of busyness, creating a space for reflection faces two main issues.
The first is the practicality of the action. "How you achieve this", what needs to be "not done" to allow you to reflect, where you can go, how do you remove your responsibilities for this allotted moment
The Second is the "why" of the action, and this is a battle we are losing. Before we even consider the need to reflect, we have filled this space with some entertainment or other. We have no time to reflect on why we need to reflect!

The world has deemed reflection as wasteful, and silence as frightening. It is neither. To seek the mind and will of the eternal God in reflection through prayer. To hear His word through His Spirit is the greatest achievement bar completing the action once informed.

To be in God's will is the greatest use of time we can have. It does however mean we need to sacrifice, we need to lower the level of entertainment we have in this world. It does however mean we may need to spend less time at work. It does however mean that next goal of self achievement will be put on hold, cancelled or delayed.

In fact it may mean that as surrendered servants we find ourselves working in a community setting for the benefit of others, and not ourselves, for this often is the outworking of a listening, reflective faith.

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