We read in the start of the Bible, about how the first two humans Adam and Eve, chose to reach out for wisdom without reference to God. The account tells us that these first two humans did this action in direct conflict and contradiction to God's words.
The book of Proverbs tells us that "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom", in this opening axiom of the book, God reveals various things to us, all of which must be applicable for wisdom to be acquired.
One must have knowledge from God,- that is you must know what to do
One must put that knowledge into practice,- that is you must do it.
One must do so within the context of a covenant relationship with God, - that is you must understand the reason, you are surrendering to Him, allowing God to be God.
Wisdom is not about just getting ahead in life, although that may happen, it's about understanding what God sees in life in the first place.
It is not a coincidence that Jesus is known as wisdom personified.
If you take the time to seriously read the words of God in his Bible, you will see a man, Jesus, who is never outsmarted, never at a loss for words, and always about His Father's business of restoring people into community under the covenant love of God.
I suspect many of us have been in a position, whereafter the fact, we realise how we could have done something or said something better. Jesus, was never in that position. If you can realise the truth of this statement, will you seek wisdom?
For further growth
1. Read one chapter of the book of Proverbs every day- based on the date you read. If for example today is the 10th, read the 10th chapter. In this way you will cover the whole book in one month.
2. Find the proverb which speaks most to you? Why is it this one? Is this one you struggle with, or one you find easy to keep?
3. Pray asking for Wisdom?
The book of Proverbs tells us that "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom", in this opening axiom of the book, God reveals various things to us, all of which must be applicable for wisdom to be acquired.
One must have knowledge from God,- that is you must know what to do
One must put that knowledge into practice,- that is you must do it.
One must do so within the context of a covenant relationship with God, - that is you must understand the reason, you are surrendering to Him, allowing God to be God.
Wisdom is not about just getting ahead in life, although that may happen, it's about understanding what God sees in life in the first place.
It is not a coincidence that Jesus is known as wisdom personified.
If you take the time to seriously read the words of God in his Bible, you will see a man, Jesus, who is never outsmarted, never at a loss for words, and always about His Father's business of restoring people into community under the covenant love of God.
I suspect many of us have been in a position, whereafter the fact, we realise how we could have done something or said something better. Jesus, was never in that position. If you can realise the truth of this statement, will you seek wisdom?
For further growth
1. Read one chapter of the book of Proverbs every day- based on the date you read. If for example today is the 10th, read the 10th chapter. In this way you will cover the whole book in one month.
2. Find the proverb which speaks most to you? Why is it this one? Is this one you struggle with, or one you find easy to keep?
3. Pray asking for Wisdom?