
Showing posts from March, 2012


There is Dear Reader, an unnatural focus on the "now", with little regard, or so it seems, to the future,beyond this mortal veil. Partly due to the phrase, "misery loves company", many who deny an ultimate being, instead insist this life is all there is, promote their message, unwittingly removing hope from this world. For the follow of Christ, hope is evident. A future awaits, where the horrors of this sinful world will be gone. We recognise this present world as temporary. Yet in this realization, we recognise that even a temporary world can reflect the world to come more that it does. We seek to reveal this coming kingdom, by revealing the coming king. The hope we offer is therefore many leveled, a perfect tomorrow, and a better today. Now Dear Reader, do not misunderstand, follows of the Christ do not just automatically "have a better life" as by the worlds standards. Instead the life they have is redeemed, so what ever the circumstances in which they ...


One definition of prostitution is " One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose." I wonder Dear Reader what causes people to prostitute themselves? For many there is little option, they would desire something different but circumstances do not allow it. For them, our prayers and efforts to remove them from those circumstances should be employed. Yet my question is to those who do have a choice, and yet willingly go down a path unworthy of them. People can prostitute themselves in many ways, from the obvious usage of the word to that of Spiritual Prostitution. All however are seeking some gain by the action. Yet is it worth it?, Prostitution for monetary gain is sad enough, but the prostitution of one's values is the ultimate problem. For to lose one's values is to lose one's self. Thus it may be argued, that despite verbal assent to one code of conduct, actual action in another manner reveals the truth of belief, and thus character o...


There is Dear Reader, an unhealthy emphasis on success within our society today. This is not surprising given that we place our children in a school system which is designed to grade them against themselves and the other students. From a young age winners are praised and given honour, the others encouraged as best they can. As adults this success is marked by money and popularity, and promoted in the media as "the lifestyle" to achieve. Yet the gospel stands against this, Jesus spoke against the worship of money, and the honouring of people whose actions seemed right, but hearts were not. It can be hard on young believers who feel society continues to test them and give them marks, often out of 10 or 100. Yet Jesus offers different marks, based on a differing standard. At this point, many readers may expect the bible to say that the bar is set lower.It isn't. It is set so high none have passed. Jesus demands top marks, perfection in fact. Perfection from sin. A cursory ye...