There is Dear Reader, an unnatural focus on the "now", with little regard, or so it seems, to the future,beyond this mortal veil. Partly due to the phrase, "misery loves company", many who deny an ultimate being, instead insist this life is all there is, promote their message, unwittingly removing hope from this world. For the follow of Christ, hope is evident. A future awaits, where the horrors of this sinful world will be gone. We recognise this present world as temporary. Yet in this realization, we recognise that even a temporary world can reflect the world to come more that it does. We seek to reveal this coming kingdom, by revealing the coming king. The hope we offer is therefore many leveled, a perfect tomorrow, and a better today. Now Dear Reader, do not misunderstand, follows of the Christ do not just automatically "have a better life" as by the worlds standards. Instead the life they have is redeemed, so what ever the circumstances in which they ...