
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. • Author: Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

There is Dear Reader great pressure upon us in this word to conform to a certain type of thinking. Often this pressure reveals itself in the goal to prevent us thinking at all. From young girls who are told via subtle and not so subtle advertising what body shape they should be. To those who have faith in Jesus who are told to define love as "approving every action that any person desires to do". Yet to this pressure upon us we do have a response. We can think. We can think with informed revelation from Christ and through Christ. We can answer the obvious pressure of advertising, by acknowledging that we all come in every shape and size and should appreciate them all. To the simply incorrect. By correctly defining Love: Which we know approves of what is good, and steers us away from that which is harmful. To love another is to point them toward the will of their creator. Yet in all this we are called to think. To redefine the errors of this world and discern the truth by the word of God.

Do you dear Reader desire to think?


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