"True faith drops its letter in the post office box and lets it go. Distrust holds onto a corner of it and wonders why the answer never comes."
Faith has failed to be all that it can. Until we are willing to totally surrender to the person or object we claim to place our faith within. A person may have faith that the rope will hold their weight, but only those who actually take the jump prove this statement to be true.
Too often people of "faith"are in fact very far from the mark. Replacing true faith with estimated risk. Having backup plans in place, in case their faith was misplaced. The Western world is very good at holding onto that corner of the letter of faith.
The Christ told people that whoever was to follow him was to give up everything to make sure he was placed at the primary position within their life. Anyone who failed to do this, he said was not worthy of him. We place our faith in the Christ, trusting that the promises he made are true.
Have you let go of the envelope?
Faith has failed to be all that it can. Until we are willing to totally surrender to the person or object we claim to place our faith within. A person may have faith that the rope will hold their weight, but only those who actually take the jump prove this statement to be true.
Too often people of "faith"are in fact very far from the mark. Replacing true faith with estimated risk. Having backup plans in place, in case their faith was misplaced. The Western world is very good at holding onto that corner of the letter of faith.
The Christ told people that whoever was to follow him was to give up everything to make sure he was placed at the primary position within their life. Anyone who failed to do this, he said was not worthy of him. We place our faith in the Christ, trusting that the promises he made are true.
Have you let go of the envelope?