
It is apparent, dear reader, in most continents of the world kings and queens are not what they once used to be. Where once total power rested in their hands. Many now are just figure heads of past glories. Given the many atrocities which had been carried out under the banner of this king or that Queen, it is not unreasonable to be in the situation we are presently residing. Yet the limiting of absolute power from the former sovereigns of this world has not prevented the abuse they used to carry out from being visited upon us by others.
Sadly, however, the opposite is not always true, for many leaders of their countries were worthwhile men and women, who took their role of King and Queen with such seriousness that their entire lives were dedicated to the furtherance of the people under them. The monarchy indeed became the true Shepherd. Sadly with the lessening of the monarchs power the ability to protect the flock has also gone.
Our mistake can come when we apply our knowledge of human kings and queens to the divine sovereignty of the Creator God. For in highlighting the flaws and forgetting the benefits, we apply a disjointed view, and misunderstand the power and motivation of God.
My question dear reader to you this day is not whether God is sovereign or not, but whether you want him to be?


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