Many times Dear Reader, we mistake travelling in a similar direction for travelling together. For the greater part this oversight causes no pain when discovered, for the consequences of such discovery are small. However, when those travelling have placed responsibility and burden on one another, becoming reliant so to speak, a departing of the ways becomes more painful.
Yet this world sadly, encourages a lifestyle which is all about the individual, and not about the creator. You see Dear Reader, the creator teaches us to look beyond our self, to follow His ways is to accept we are the least important in the equation, and when we travel, we serve not ourselves and our desires, but His. Yet even this is oft misunderstood, because of the order in which we serve. We seem to think that serving our creator is a licence for never serving a human, while in fact the creator is very direct in His teaching.
In this world he has appointed leaders whose job is to care and direct, and whose burden is to be held accountable. Those not in these roles are told to follow and obey, two word's often talked about but seemingly best applied to others, never one's self.
So Dear Reader, when you feel the need to depart a road another is travelling, is your creator calling you to do so, or are you just unwilling to obey?
Yet this world sadly, encourages a lifestyle which is all about the individual, and not about the creator. You see Dear Reader, the creator teaches us to look beyond our self, to follow His ways is to accept we are the least important in the equation, and when we travel, we serve not ourselves and our desires, but His. Yet even this is oft misunderstood, because of the order in which we serve. We seem to think that serving our creator is a licence for never serving a human, while in fact the creator is very direct in His teaching.
In this world he has appointed leaders whose job is to care and direct, and whose burden is to be held accountable. Those not in these roles are told to follow and obey, two word's often talked about but seemingly best applied to others, never one's self.
So Dear Reader, when you feel the need to depart a road another is travelling, is your creator calling you to do so, or are you just unwilling to obey?