
There is a saying, dear reader, that "everybody is exactly in the place with God that they desire to be". For if the divine being is correct in their statement that their character is unchanging, it's therefore the implication that the closeness or distance of any relationship we have with them, is based on our choices.
Imagine if you will the ocean, a vast body of water, we can choose to ignore or relate to. Our personal choice does not affect the ocean in any way. Neither does our choice to ignore it prevent it affecting our lives in ways that we cannot even begin to imagine. Yet the evidence of the effect on our life, by the ocean will become clear to us the more we concentrate on it and interact with it. The only real difference between a fisherman and a city executive, is that the former acknowledges their full reliance upon the ocean. While the latter, as they drink pure fresh clean water (this selfsame water provided by the weather system, reliant upon these oceans) can sit in happy denial.
Yet , if the city executive would choose to, they can move closer to the ocean, both mentally and physically. First by acknowledgement, and secondly by physically taking up an interest, which actively involves the ocean, such as surfing or boating.
In the same way, dear reader, God waits for us. His very presence affects our life, whether we choose to ignore that or not is our choice. We can in effect be either a fisherman, or a city exec.
The question, I leave with you today, dear reader, is this, in what position are you to the ocean?


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