There is Dear Reader a word not oft used in today's parlance, and that is balm. Indeed within the context next employed, it's use is even rarer, for there is a saying that "the word of God is balm unto the soul".
One understanding of Balm, is something that has a soothing effect. We only need to have experienced the effects of the sun's rays on our backs one too many times to understand the need for balm. For as our skin cries out for healing with every chafe and scrape of its raw tenderness against any clothing we are forced to wear, it breathes a sigh of relief as upon it we pour a soothing balm of after burn suncream. The audible sighs of relief which come from the body which has experienced this is tangible to those who listen on during these moments.
Yet dear Reader our own souls are in as much torment as these blackened and charred bodies can often be, the only difference is visibility. For the anguish and pain is tangible to all as we see the effects of decisions which have gone against the divine will being visited upon those that chose to make them, or sadly were within the vicinity of influence of those that did. For not all effects of these choices are felt by their perpetrators. Many a poor soul is carrying another person's burden upon them.
One understanding of Balm, is something that has a soothing effect. We only need to have experienced the effects of the sun's rays on our backs one too many times to understand the need for balm. For as our skin cries out for healing with every chafe and scrape of its raw tenderness against any clothing we are forced to wear, it breathes a sigh of relief as upon it we pour a soothing balm of after burn suncream. The audible sighs of relief which come from the body which has experienced this is tangible to those who listen on during these moments.
Yet dear Reader our own souls are in as much torment as these blackened and charred bodies can often be, the only difference is visibility. For the anguish and pain is tangible to all as we see the effects of decisions which have gone against the divine will being visited upon those that chose to make them, or sadly were within the vicinity of influence of those that did. For not all effects of these choices are felt by their perpetrators. Many a poor soul is carrying another person's burden upon them.
This state of misery is redeemable, just as our burnt skin calls out for the healing balm of afterburn, so, dear readers do our souls call out the healing touch of a word from its creator.
Are you willing dear reader, to apply the creators Balm?