
Dear Reader, It is easy to become distracted in this world. Things which were firmly focussed in our thoughts. Planted deeply in our actions start to become forgotten.Usually, something new and supposedly more exciting comes along. This change can be beneficial, but in truth, our vices tend to stick our virtues wane. The Carpenter tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God. Specifically, it comes with a promise

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."- Matt 6:33

It should move us to consider, what does living righteously do for us regarding our needs?

The answer may be contained in understanding that most things we want, are not needs. That within the context of Jesus guidance, within his kingdom, our needs are very few, and most likely not things we would apparently think to ask for!

We may want more money, but we might need love for others, we may want a better job, but we may need a better attitude at work.

So rather than ask for the things we need, we strive for our wants, and thus we allow distraction to come into play, moving us from seeking God's kingdom, to seeking our own. Which always is a poor imitation.

Consider this day, what things have distracted you from the seeking, from the pursuit of God. The carpenter not just in your life, but your whole life today.


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