
Dear Reader, we are talking of Kairos. A Kairos moment can be seen as the key to opening the way towards Kingdom living. Do we have the courage to step inside?

Jesus teaches that to enter the Kingdom of God two actions are necessary, “Repent" and “Believe”.(We will deal with “Believe" in further posts.)

“The time promised by God has come at last!” he (Jesus) announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”-Mark 1:15

Repent can mean confessing one’s sins, but the Greek meaning is metanoia, “to change one’s mind”. Put another way, to have a change of heart towards previous ways of living, in favour of more Kingdom living.

In our life, change is not optional, but growth from it is!

For repentance and growth from it, some steps can be taken.The first as stated is to observe and recognise the moment, then comes reflection. If in our observations we felt anger or insecurity, reflect on why these feeling come about?

Set time aside to spend, possibly writing them down, keeping them safe for further reference. 

For repentance to take hold, we’ve got to share it with someone else. This is where God’s community comes into play. As solitary beings, we are easy targets, and we all know that good intentions are easily broken. 

It’s why weight loss clubs exist, doing something together has a greater chance of change bringing growth than by oneself. The same if true for kingdom living if we “Discuss” our Kairos moment with another like minded believer we have the opportunity to allow their wisdom of God to be brought to bear.

This input, without the same emotional investment that we have, can be invaluable.

Observe, Reflect, Discuss, the three aspects of Repentance. 

Dear Reader, Repentance is necessary if we are to grow as disciples, but is not always easy. Today I challenge you, move away from prior ways of living, and move towards the Kingdom of God.

For Further information, please purchase -“Building A Discipleship Culture.”


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