Simplicity 1

Dear Reader, these posts are direct quotes from "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster. As the author of this blog site I hope you enjoy these posts, however I highly recommend you buy his book. They are just the practical issues of a bigger discussion which I tackled one day at a gathering of our "community of faith." All thoughts belong to Richard and all credit should be to him.

First, buy things for their usefulness rather than their status. Cars should be bought for their utility, not their prestige. Consider riding a bicycle. When you are considering an apartment, a condominium, or a house, thought should be given to livability rather than how much it will impress others. Don’t have more living space than is reasonable. After all, who needs seven rooms for two people? Consider your clothes. Most people have no need for more clothes. They buy more not because they need clothes, but because they want to keep up with the fashions. Hang the fashions! Buy what you need. Wear your clothes until they are worn out. Stop trying to impress people with your clothes and impress them with your life. If it is practical in your situation, learn the joy of making clothes. And for God’s sake (and I mean that quite literally) have clothes that are practical rather than ornamental. John Wesley writes, “As…for apparel, I buy the most lasting and, in general, the plainest I can. I buy no furniture but what is necessary and cheap.”


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