
In the book of Genesis, Lot and Abraham separate.  Given a choice, Lot opts for the best-looking land, but his life unravels from there.(Gen 13 and 14). Captured, and retrieved, Lot still fails to notice the pattern. Life with Abraham and thus God is good, life without him brings trouble. Even at his retrieval, Lot fails to see the choice Abraham makes, by honouring Melchizedek, King of Salem, and by refusing the offer of the King of Sodom, Abraham clearly shows which path people should be walking. Lot fails. He chooses to return under the guidance of the King of Sodom and eventually loses all things.
It can be the same with our life. The Carpenter offers us a choice, to follow him and live, or to exist without him, first dead on earth, then an eternity of being cut off from the creator we spurned.
Living with Christ means going against the flow, often taking a path others rarely investigate, and suffering scorn from those who do not understand or agree. Yet the blessings are worth it. We may not know wealth or ease, these are things others seek, but we will know peace, and wisdom will be yours. Let he who has ears!!!!!


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