
Dear Reader, sailing is a great metaphor for following the Carpenter. We are like a captain of the boat, reliant upon the Holy Spirit to "fill our sails", but as another once pointed out, "unless the hand is upon the tiller" the boat does not go in a chosen direction.

We need to take an active part in combining with the power of God in our life. This is how God always intended the peak of his creation, humanity, to interact with Him. Often people cry out for the Spirit to blow, but refuse to take the most basic action in regard to putting the hands on the tiller, and then wonder why their life seems blown hither and thither, with no real forward movement.

Do both. Call on the Lord, but follow His word!  Stop "waiting on the miraculous" as an excuse to "act upon the obvious". God is not silent, He speaks, but most of what He says is obvious, because it is so basic, so simple.

We say, God bless me with finances, as we run up another credit card debt. Well then, stop spending, and pay off the debtor.

God bless me with a better job, as we take another unjustified sickie, well then "work as if for the Lord", and become the best employee, God may then trust you with more as you ask.

Lord, help me with my relationships, change the hearts of others, as we continue in every destructive action towards those around. Then start treating your neighbours with respect, and you may well see a change in their attitude towards you.

Put your hand upon the boat of the tiller, and see God move, then we will see forward movement as God fills our sails.

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