
We forget Dear Reader, the absurdity of the carpenters actions. In an occupied land, He decided the best way of demonstrating forgiveness, was not to oppose the oppressor, but to allow himself to be crucified by them.

To highlight the lostness of the Roman way of life, he proved it by dying!

Yet in this action, his crucifixion, which was initiated by his own people, the carpenter revealed a bigger truth.

The Roman empire, and all it represented, was not as many thought, the ultimate enemy. This may seem easy to see from histories point of view, for this empire no longer exists. Yet through the past century, we have (depending on our viewpoint), been fearful, of Communism and Capitalism, Russia and North America, Islam and Judaism. This is not an exhaustive list, but should suffice to highlight, that it is in fact easy to fall into fear of one thing or another (often of our own making), and be completely incorrect about the true bondage that awaits.

The Carpenter knew that bondage to a sinful existence was by far the most terrifying fate to befall human kind, and only forgiveness could over come it.

So with many options open to him to over throw the dictatorship of his time, he ignored the human element, and defeated the spiritual battle once and for all, his weapon, a cross, his result, forgiveness. The ability to overcome sin.

Have you Dear Reader, joined in the victory celebrations?


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