
A .W. Tozer said "Faith accepts quiet guidance; only unbelief demands a miracle."

We look at this time of year to the miracle of Jesus birth, and we see the incredible intervention of God, into this world.

We may wonder at the actions of Mary and Joseph, often considering ourselves unable to meet the trust they showed in God's promises.

Before we dismiss ourselves, it's worth considering that until this point, Mary and Joseph were normal people. Righteous in their life towards God, trusting in his promises, but relying upon ordinary things to accept the guidence of God in their lives. They gathered at the correct festivals, they carried out a Jewish life of service to God!

We can underplay this.

For great things to be asked, we need to be faithful in the small things of life.

Each one of us has an area of influnce, how we conduct ourselves in this influnce is important.

It's not good to compare ourselves to others about what influnce we have, this is hubris and pride in the wings. 

It is important to consider how we use what we have, and to make ourselves trustworthy to be given more.


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