
Dear Reader, our identity, can be wrapped up in many levels. The believer in the carpenter of Nazareth is shown by God, that our identity is found "In Christ"

This can take many forms and as we mature, we can see greater trust in his word and promises to us, and less desire to make life about us.

Paul writes, in Romans 9 that the potter has the right to "make pots for noble purposes and some for common use"

This is true, however, in a culture which has now set about defining each individual as their own "little God", it sits against the grain to state that we might be used for "common things", but this is the willingness that a follower of the carpenter comes to realise and accept.

Tozer puts it eloquently

"We may need to look closely to discover the relation between inflation and unbelief, but such a relation does nevertheless exist. The man of faith is so sure of his position before God that he can quietly allow himself to be overlooked, discredited, deflated, without a tremor of anxiety. He is willing to wait out God's own good time and let the wisdom of the future judgment reveal his true size and worth. "

May we find this place in our life!


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