Another author wrote
"We must be formed as people who are capable of appreciating goodness, truth, and beauty."
As followers of the Carpenter, we may, if wise, come to the realisation that God, as creator, is a being who delights in the visual beauty of his world. It is, to be sure, not the only aspect of creation to be considered, but it is certainly one not to be ignored. As beings created in His image, we have this same desire and capacity to create, and we do. From paintings to music, from gardens to architecture we can see the hand of God displayed, and our worship of him in this action. Throughout history, we find, if we desire to look, at the ways fellow believers have turned their efforts to bring this beauty to blossom. Grand cathedrals built by stone masons seeking to use every stone to its maximum effect. Poet's of the street who's words can stir those Spirit led to physical actions of helping humanity by throwing off injustice and setting the repressed free. Safe and gentle spaces created for reflection by careful placement of plants and images. These and many other ways can bring God's beauty to a humanity living in a tortured state. This redeeming of our gifting can bring healing to the land. We as believers should not only be practical people but holistic in our view, endeavouring to understand that beauty brings healing, and that is one aspect of being a peacemaker.
"We must be formed as people who are capable of appreciating goodness, truth, and beauty."