
Showing posts from June, 2016


The Carpenter claimed to be God. This basis of self-description by Jesus can never be ignored.It becomes the sole defining position for us as his followers to focus our understanding of how our lives are framed within his. Jesus declaration is what resulted in his crucifixion. No one crucifies someone for being nice! Jesus caused offence, challenged perceptions, and threatened the status quo. These factors caused those who were threatened to rise against him, and to hatch a plot to seek his demise. We can never lose sight, nor water down the claim of Jesus by acceptance of the world's position that he was a "good man", or a "great teacher". These descriptions are meaningless unless his deity is acknowledged. Without such acknowledgement, they become insults and seek only to blunt the message of the saviour of the world. Dear Reader, seek the scriptures, and see how Jesus understood himself, only with this revelation can the truth of his actions be unders...


Trust, Dear Reader, is a key component of followership. We all are told we ought to be leaders, but few want to be followers. Demonstration of followership only takes place when two people disagree. It is at this point that person A chooses to trust the decision of person B and to follow their lead. Trust, placing your future in the hands of something or someone outside your direct control. It's an easier concept to discuss than to put into practice. When it comes to the carpenter, we his followers need to learn to trust Him. This is where study and understanding of God's word helps. First, we see that Jesus demonstrated trust in his Fathers leading. This should be an encouragement for us, that when Jesus hometown rejected Him, He trusted the Father. When His supposed disciples deserted Him, He trusted the Father. Second, we come to realise that all that Jesus asks of us, is something that has been asked, and completed by Him. We can see that situations we are in are enc...