Dear Reader, the life of the Carpenter shows us an example of submission to his Father, which is complete and perfect. This example can inspire and teach, or depress and accuse. Inspire to see a human life can be so dedicated to Godly instruction, and to teach us that we as fallen humans, need the carpenters words and His Spirit, to achieve this result. Do we understand this?, the carpenter isn't merely saying "copy me", he is saying "let me work this in you". Nothing the Carpenter achieved for his Father is out of our reach if we are obedient to his leading.
Yet others can read these same pages of the book, and see a life so radically different that they cannot comprehend how it relates to them. This can lead to turning away from the life of the carpenter. To them I say, "look again". The carpenter does not set an impossible task, far from it. In fact, his existence on earth, his incarnation, is a sign of how much he desires to help those of his creation who will respond. The carpenter says, ask and he gives to those who do so, you will receive. Dear Reader, if the teaching seems daunting then ask for help from the carpenter who so desires to give it.
Yet others can read these same pages of the book, and see a life so radically different that they cannot comprehend how it relates to them. This can lead to turning away from the life of the carpenter. To them I say, "look again". The carpenter does not set an impossible task, far from it. In fact, his existence on earth, his incarnation, is a sign of how much he desires to help those of his creation who will respond. The carpenter says, ask and he gives to those who do so, you will receive. Dear Reader, if the teaching seems daunting then ask for help from the carpenter who so desires to give it.