
The sign is from a shop in Amsterdam, a city which often proclaims freedom. However, Dear Reader, there is a misnomer in the world. Freedom in today's parlance has become synonymous with "lack of boundaries".We falsely believe that to experience true freedom, then nothing must be around to prevent us from expressing our desires. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, for many, freedom is an illusion, which is used to describe a hidden bondage, to that of sex, drugs and the like. Claiming to be free, they find themselves more trapped in their present existence than the one they desired to leave behind. The fact Dear Reader is that freedom can only be experienced, when boundaries DO exists. A person is "free" to drive, when they show they understand the rules of the road. They are "free" to enjoy a sport, when they acknowledge the parameters for winning. We are free to live life, when we acknowledge where and why this life came from! ...