
Showing posts from 2013


The sign is from a shop in Amsterdam, a city which often proclaims freedom. However, Dear Reader, there is a misnomer in the world. Freedom in today's parlance has become synonymous with "lack of boundaries".We falsely believe that to experience true freedom, then nothing must be around to prevent us from expressing our desires. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, for many, freedom is an illusion, which is used to describe a hidden bondage, to that of sex, drugs and the like. Claiming to be free, they find themselves more trapped in their present existence than the one they desired to leave behind. The fact Dear Reader is that freedom can only be experienced, when boundaries DO exists. A person is "free" to drive, when they show they understand the rules of the road. They are "free" to enjoy a sport, when they acknowledge the parameters for winning. We are free to live life, when we acknowledge where and why this life came from! ...


We forget Dear Reader, the absurdity of the carpenters actions. In an occupied land, He decided the best way of demonstrating forgiveness, was not to oppose the oppressor, but to allow himself to be crucified by them. To highlight the lostness of the Roman way of life, he proved it by dying! Yet in this action, his crucifixion, which was initiated by his own people, the carpenter revealed a bigger truth. The Roman empire, and all it represented, was not as many thought, the ultimate enemy. This may seem easy to see from histories point of view, for this empire no longer exists. Yet through the past century, we have (depending on our viewpoint), been fearful, of Communism and Capitalism, Russia and North America, Islam and Judaism. This is not an exhaustive list, but should suffice to highlight, that it is in fact easy to fall into fear of one thing or another (often of our own making), and be completely incorrect about the true bondage that awaits. The Carpenter knew that bon...


In a certain city, there exists a place of hope. It was Dear Reader, a piece of land abandoned, forgotten, unused. Yet, with co-operation, vision and fortitude, local people redeemed this land. Changing it from being unwanted, to being part of their community. From having no purpose to becoming a playground of enjoyment for their kids. If this piece of land can become so central to a community after years of being abandoned, how much more can we be assured that our lives can experience the same. The Carpenter came to restore that which was abandoned, forgotten and unused, his desire is to redeem not just land, but people. Such that we can also live a life not just for ourselves, but as part of a community. Make no mistake, this playground is not conventional, filled with odd shapes and strange designs, but it is unique, and precious, just like you are Dear Reader, in the Carpenters eyes.


Dear Reader, the life of the Carpenter shows us an example of submission to his Father, which is complete and perfect. This example can inspire and teach, or depress and accuse. Inspire to see a human life can be so dedicated to Godly instruction, and to teach us that we as fallen humans, need the carpenters words and His Spirit, to achieve this result. Do we understand this?, the carpenter isn't merely saying "copy me", he is saying "let me work this in you". Nothing the Carpenter achieved for his Father is out of our reach if we are obedient to his leading. Yet others can read these same pages of the book, and see a life so radically different that they cannot comprehend how it relates to them. This can lead to turning away from the life of the carpenter. To them I say, "look again". The carpenter does not set an impossible task, far from it. In fact, his existence on earth, his incarnation, is a sign of how much he desires to help those of his cre...