
There is Dear Reader some discussion about when and how the sabbath should be observed.
However one writer concludes

Man is accountable to his Creator for what was given him in his creation. The moral law of God for all of mankind for all of time is whatever man is morally committed to do by virtue of the nature of his creation and by virtue of his relationship to his Creator. Man was made to bear the image of God in all that man does. If he bears the image of God as God has designed and commanded, man will be in full conformity to the moral law of God for all of mankind for all of time. In other words, man was made for the moral law. But Jesus said that man was not made for the Sabbath day. Therefore, the Sabbath day cannot be moral law.

There is wisdom in these words, even without reference to the sabbath. If one were to base one's life around seeking to honour this proposition one would logically come to the conclusion that we have failed in our task, and thus need something, or someone to rescue us from that failure. That person would in themselves have demonstrated that the moral law was capable of being kept and they had done so.

Will you Dear Reader recognise the person of Jesus Christ. Lord even of the Sabbath?


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