How often dear reader do you desire to be in a different place from that which you find yourself. The grass often does look greener on the other side. We can look at this viewpoint in many ways be it financially, emotionally, or spiritually. "If only", we have this that or the other, then of course we would be happy, fulfilled and content. The truth of course is a very different matter. While this can be painful in most parts of our life, when applied to our spiritual life it can play into the hands of the devil himself.
If we are obedient to God, we must assume that where he has placed us is exactly where he wants us to be. We can look at other servants of God and perceive the difference they make to the kingdom, always wishing that we could be them and have their ministries. Yet this is not God's way, we need to learn contentment in the positions that God has called us to. If we truly believe that the kingdom is built not by man's hands but by God's, than the actual position I play within the building is Irrelevant.
Being content with supposed irrelevance, is often a calling of most Christians. For the truth will be revealed one day, better an obedient son of God in a lowly ministry, then a successful person who is building their own kingdom.
So dear reader do you know your place?