

Welcome Dear Reader.  It seems to my eye, that we within God's living Church run the risk of narrowing our view so much that any room for growth disappears! While we should seek to maintain our doctrine, to be so very specific that we refuse to listen to anything which may contradict it, I feel is self defeating. In our internet age, we are able to sift through the myriad church's which exist, all claiming to serving the same God, but proclaiming very differing theology. Once the initial sort has taken place, often people moved to fine detail, "last day's" being a common bugbear for many. Yet in this sifting, a question does not seem to be being asked!, Where would God have me serve? The church body exists to support fellow believers, but primarily to honour God and to give His bride, the church, opportunity to serve His will. Are we willing, God call me to where you desire me to serve you, rather than what I think benefits me? Are we willing to grow?
  Resurrection Many films have tried to capture the moment that the disciples discovered that Jesus was alive. While some are impressive attempts, I am sure none come close to the reality of that moment in the hearts of his followers. Thomas, apart from the others did not see the resurrected Christ in the garden, did not walk the road to Emmaus with Jesus, and was not present when Jesus first appeared to the other disciples. He only had their word, their testimony, that Jesus was indeed alive. He doubted their veracity, he doubted the truth of their words. For over three years he had followed Jesus, and walked with these men and women of God. He had watched the miracles, seen the truth, listened to the teaching, yet still he was not convinced. Why?, because the truth was so far from reality! After a creation life time, finally the power of death had been overcome. A person who claimed the authority of God, demonstrated it in his actions of love, and now proved those claims, by his phys


The Bible records three gifts being brought to Jesus around the time of his birth/early years. The dating isn't specific beyond that Jesus was less than two years old. These gifts, brought by the Magi, leaders and wise men from lands east of Judea, were their way of showing honour and respect. We don't know how many Magi came, it's not mentioned. Nor are their names. From our perspective, we can see that people of high standing, recognised portents and signs and acted upon them. They undertook a long, dangerous and arduous journey, in order to seek a child they believed was so important that his birth ushered in a new era of hope. We all need to make the same journey. That of faith, and in that faith to take all reasonable, and sometimes, completely unreasonable steps to find the truth of Jesus. To make the move from the comfort of our own preconceived belief and to seek with open hearts wisdom of who Jesus is. May you make the journey this year.


Dear Reader, I need to be bigger than myself. As a follower of the Carpenter, I must look beyond what is perceived as best for me, and choose what is best for Jesus. Sometimes these choices will look the same, others, my actions will be radically against my perceived self-interest. Astute readers will note my phrasing. For ultimately, as a follower of Christ, his best choice IS my best choice, I just may need to surrender to that. In a world which tells us, have it your way. Do your own thing. Play as you want. A message which sets itself in opposition to that rhetoric can be challenging to emulate. Yet try we must. Seeing every choice we make in light of the Kingdom of God. Time, finances, relationships, resources both physical and mental. These and many other parts of our life need to be considered in light of the wider context of a Christian walk. Simply put, if we are children in the kingdom, we need to think, and therefore act, bigger!


It never ceases to amaze me how much a positive word can help. Not all or even many have to be directed of course towards me. Just a statement of general thankfulness, an openness of sharing about struggles, a positive outcome to a tricky situation. All these can be seen, when viewed properly as encouraging. It's a common issue to feel isolated, and that you are facing unique, unsurmountable problems, encouragement reminds you that you're not the only one. King David's psalm are this, his ups and downs with God, his struggles and his triumphs Today, Dear Reader, be like David and be honest about your life, you never know when you may encourage another in their walk.


Psalms 62:1-2 (NLT) "I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken." As I read this, the word Fortress speak to me. Historically a Fortress protected not just a town but an area, it gave the owner the ability to offer protection far beyond the direct walls of the structure itself. The very existence of the Fortress allowed for those within its influence to express their lives in freedom. They knew a place of safety existed if things got rough, and so they could live more freely. This produced a virtuous circle. We can experience the same freedom in Jesus because he has made a place of safety, we can operate more easily in freedom and without fear.


Dear Traveller, the book about the carpenter includes accounts of Jesus interaction with many people. Not least of these were the apostles, chosen specifically to usher in the Kingdom of God. Symbolically representing the twelve tribes, and resetting in people's minds what were the requirements for spiritual leadership. If we follow the accounts we find the ups and downs of these men, at times their behaviour is exceptional and their faith astounding, at others we find them terrified, boastful and small minded. They do however move from the latter behaviour to the former with increasing confidence, and once Jesus resurrection is at hand, they, empowered through Holy Spirit, move to announce the good news of the kingdom of God. Except for Judas. A man chosen to spend time with the living God betrays Jesus and fails to repent of his actions. Opportunity to move forward in the Kingdom of God is available to all, but a maxim of truth does occur, "Every person is exactly