Dear Reader, I need to be bigger than myself. As a follower of the Carpenter, I must look beyond what is perceived as best for me, and choose what is best for Jesus. Sometimes these choices will look the same, others, my actions will be radically against my perceived self-interest. Astute readers will note my phrasing. For ultimately, as a follower of Christ, his best choice IS my best choice, I just may need to surrender to that. In a world which tells us, have it your way. Do your own thing. Play as you want. A message which sets itself in opposition to that rhetoric can be challenging to emulate. Yet try we must. Seeing every choice we make in light of the Kingdom of God. Time, finances, relationships, resources both physical and mental. These and many other parts of our life need to be considered in light of the wider context of a Christian walk. Simply put, if we are children in the kingdom, we need to think, and therefore act, bigger!